Thin Films Deposition for the Decorating Industry
Initially dedicated to the cutting-edge sector and the high value-added industry, the thin films deposition is now dedicated to all the decorating industries. Why has this ongoing revolution taken place?
It has to be noted that wet processing surface operations are subject to increasingly strict regulations, especially for effluent processing (production waste).
This is exactly the context in which the PVD technologies are being applied today. The thin films deposition, whether by evaporation or by spraying, is an extremely clean technology. Today, many companies need Alliance Concept’s expertise to scale up their equipment, guaranteeing the quality of processing and insuring their productivity in line with the needs of the public market.
Whether it is on metal, plastic or glass support, the result is absolutely perfect.
Our products enable the production of decorating mirrors, cosmetic objects, reflectors for lighting, tap accessories, etc. This “R”evolution will grow in the years to come and tends to become an inevitable technology in all the sectors related to the decorating industry.